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Saturday, December 31, 2011


A minute later there was some hissing, but not as bad as a week ago when Simon hissed so hard he made himself gag and wretch.

Jenny's first Intro with Simon

Today was our first face to face. No hissing yet!

Saturday is a Big Day

Saturday should be a big day. We're going to put Simon in Jenny's room and vise versa, and then remove the barrier that prevents them from seeing each other and see how that goes. Expect videos!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Laser Pointer Test

This is just jenny and the laser, and again she doesn't react to it.   There is one moment where she appears to follow it for a second, but i think that is just a random coincidence.  I've done numerous laser pointer tests all with the same results.  We can now put this issue to rest and go on with her funny and fun filled life!

Laser and Paperball Test

When we first met Jenny (originally named Matilda by one of her fantastic vets at the ASPCA, Dr. Pat W.) we thought she might have a tiny bit of sight from her right eye, which while a bit malformed was actually at least there.  She was so good at tracking objects. But was it sight, or hearing or whiskers?

Well in this video there is no longer any doubt. She can follow the paper ball like a champ, but the laser pointer gets no response.  But she doesn't care, and neither do we.  Please consider adopting a special needs animal!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jenny with a Paper Ball

This is a video of Jenny swatting a paper ball.  You would never know by looking at it that she's blind.  Soon i am going to definitively test her vision using a laser pointer.